Goodbye Summer

Here’s a painting inspired by Georgie Jolie, who also inspired my Hotel Room in Paris painting. The picture made me think of summer, and how it’s almost over. Today it rained a lot and I ate leftover chili Ryan gave me to take home from the party last night (his chili is delicious, and chili leftovers are the best!), and it was all in all quite a beautiful day. I had my meetings with both John and Ryan and we talked about the townhouse I’m planning to rent, and the events I’m planning to have, and it was all very positive and constructive and it made me very happy. I will most likely host a Holiday Party, then have a bigger opening event in January. We talked about how I can organize my space, how I can keep work space and personal space separate, about lights and tables, and many other useful things.

AVM came back from Austin, Lily and I laughed a lot at the party tonight, and I came across the coolest picture John took of me and Nancy the English Pointer. So yes, summer might be over, but Fall has never before felt like such a happy new beginning.

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