Bartholomew’s Playground

John does this thing where he works on large abstract paintings outside in his driveway. Having full access to his driveway I decided I had to give this a try. I brought my own canvas and paints from home, because I’m not a total mooch, but since he insisted that I am indeed a total mooch, I used some of his stuff too. I brought Bartholomew, the current vintage carousel horse, out to watch, and in the sunshine he cast the most fun shadow on the canvas. Since this was all happening over Facebook Live, I asked my friends to take screenshots, and they did, but John suggested I also outline Bartholomew’s shadow and incorporate it into the painting. This is how this big spontaneous piece of abstract expressionism became Bartholomew’s Playground. It was hot outside and I got tired fast – luckily before I “killed the painting” as John always warns me not to do. But this was so much fun! Some of my VVIPs even told me it was their favorite video so far!

I left the painting outside to dry – and to experience whatever seasoning the elements might offer. John does that too. I will auction it off tomorrow on my Facebook Live show at 5:45pm CST.

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