Toes in the Sand

Inspired by something I learned while doing research for The Glory Days of Aimée Bonnard. Women in Aimée’s time would not be able to put their toes in the sand, as they were required to wear stockings and bathing shoes at the beach. Can you imagine that? For more of an incursion into the world of Aimée, be sure to read the first chapter. And please consider contributing to my Kickstarter campaign to help me publish this new book before Christmas!

As for me, I’m having quite a lovely time. The house feels more and more like home. The weather is perfect and Holly and I are enjoying long walks. My neighbors put up the loveliest Christmas lights. I ordered enough canvases and panels to fill up the new gallery – and then some! Meanwhile, at my Galleria location, the moving sale is making steady progress. And the old place no longer feels as good to me as the new one – which is a clear sign of progress. Sitting here on my porch with my dog, as I like to do, I can’t believe I ever questioned this move.

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