Mary Star of the Sea

I always look for the statue of Mary Star of the Sea when I go to Galveston. Standing on top of the Basilica, she’s a symbol of Island survival. In fact, they say that as long as Mary stands proud, the Island won’t go under. This superstition has even made it into my new manuscript.

But last week I noticed Mary was absent. The spire stood empty, which was upsetting in more ways than one. The friend and collector I had lunch with told me she was being restored. After all, she’s been standing up there since 1848. She was due some TLC. Still, a little voice inside me protested: Couldn’t they restore her once hurricane season’s over? Who’s going to protect us in her absence?

Three different friends texted me today to report on her whereabouts. It turns out one can actually visit her in the church parking lot until October 6th, and I think I will go. In the meantime I painted her. She does, of course, go very well with my large Storm Survivor painting.

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